Summer Batch is a lightweight, reliable, efficient, open-source (Summer Batch is distributed under the Apache 2.0 license ) batch framework for the C# community.
Its design has been driven by the concepts exposed in the JSR-352 specification (which is a java colored but exposes universal batch concepts).
Its purpose is to help users to :
- migrate smoothly their batch legacy from mainframe to modern Microsoft(R)-based environments;
- build new batch solutions to be run on Microsoft(R)-based environments.
Get the source and build Summer Batch
You need to use Visual Studio, version >= 2013 to build Summer Batch from the sources.
Clone the git repository (using whatever protocol you prefer).
Simply build the downloaded solution using VS.
Get the binaries
The simplest way to get your hands over Summer Batch binaries is to use the NuGet package repository.
Getting started
To get started with your first Summer Batch project, please follow the getting started guide.
This will lead you, in a few minutes, to get your first Summer Batch project up and working.
You can browse the samples repository to get your hands over sample Summer Batch projects.
Going further
To dig deeper into Summer Batch, we recommend to browse the following sites :
Contribute ?
You can use the github Issues appliance to ask for improvements or to file bugs you might encounter. To take any other contact (pull requests, questions, etc), please write to the provided email address.