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Sql Script Runner support

Summer.Batch.Extra.SqlScriptSupport.SqlScriptRunnerTasklet is dedicated to launch an external SQL script.

Two below properties are mandatory: as usual for SQL processes, a ConnectionStringSettings must be supplied, and the resource to be read (i.e. the script file) must also be supplied.

  • ConnectionStringSettings

  • the resource to be read (i.e. the script file) must also be supplied.

Configuring the SqlScriptRunnerTasklet in the job XML file:

Example 7.16. Typical SqlScriptRunnerTasklet usage in the job XML file

<step id="SQLScriptWriter">
    <batchlet ref="SQLScriptWriterBatchlet" />

Example 7.17. Sample Unity configuration for a SqlScriptRunnerTasklet

// Step SQLScriptWriter - SQL script step
private void RegisterSQLScriptWriterTasklet(IUnityContainer container)
    container.StepScopeRegistration<ITasklet, SqlScriptRunnerTasklet>("SQLScriptWriterBatchlet")